Joining AME 43

Membership options

  • €5 for people 35 years old and younger (“new generation”)
  • €10 for those aged 36 and over

Membership is for the calendar year 2024.

How to join AME 43

As the website for joining is currently only in French, if you do not understand French, follow the notes below in English which show how to join the AME 43 association. (Read all references to 2023 as to 2024).

If you understand French you will not need these notes.

If you cannot join or pay online, please email

Locate the membership page

In your internet browser go to, which will open in a new page.

Page 1

The first page of the joining process will be displayed:

  • Where marked 1 in red above, enter the number of people whom you want to sign up as standard members, i.e. 36 years old and older.
  • Where marked 2 in red above, enter the number of people whom you want to sign up as new generation members, i.e. 35 years old and younger.
  • If you want to make a donation, enter the amount marked 3 in red. These are entirely voluntary.
    • For no donation, leave Pas de don selected.
    • For €5, €10 or €20, click the radio box to the right of the amount.
    • For a different amount, click the radio box to the right of the box Montant de votre choix and enter the amount.
  • When done, click on Étape suivante, marked 4 above.

Page 2

The second page of the joining process will be displayed, for member details:

  • If you selected more than one member, details will be requested for each of these.
  • Enter your first name as Prénom.
  • Enter your last name as Nom.
  • Tick Recevoir la confirmation d’adhésion à cette adresse.
  • Enter your email address.
  • Enter your email address a second time.
  • Enter your town as Ville.
  • Enter your country as Pays.
  • Enter your telephone number as Numéro de téléphone.
  • When done, click on Étape suivante, or to return to the first page Étape précédante.

Page 3

The third page of the joining process will be displayed, for your contact details:

  • To join as an organisation, click on the slider Payer en tant qu’organisme, then enter the name.
  • Enter your first name as Prénom.
  • Enter your last name as Nom.
  • Enter your email address.
  • When done, click on Étape suivante, or to return to the previous page Étape précédante.

Page 4

The fourth page of the joining process will be displayed, with a summary:

  • A contribution will be requested towards the functioning of the HelloAsso platform (Votre contribution au fonctionnement de HelloAsso).
    • This is entirely voluntary and can be changed by clicking on Modifier.
    • Then, if you want to contribute nothing, click on Je ne souhaite pas soutenir HelloAsso.
  • If you contribute towards HelloAsso, you must also click on J’ai compris que HelloAsso est une entreprise sociale et solidaire et confirme vouloir lui apporter un soutien financier en finalisant mon paiement to accept that Hello Asso is a social enterprise
  • You must click on J’accepte les Conditions Générales d’Utilisation du service et j’ai lu la charte de confidentialité to accept the Terms of use and Privacy policy.
  • When done, click on Étape suivante, or to return to the previous page Étape précédante.

Payment screen

The payment screen is then shown:

  • Click on the language selector at the top right and select English (or your choice).
  • Then follow the instructions.
    • The cryptogramme is the 3 digit code on the back of the card.
    • Use the radio buttons to indicate if you want to save your card details, Enregistrer cette carte: Oui for yes, Non for no.

For help

If you have any questions, please email