Little feet had walked here –
had walked then and walk today.
Little feet that from an enemy ran away.
They did not dare to dream –
that a day would come when again,
the feet of a child
would walk on this very mountain.
The great-grandson of the fleeting, haunted child.
That has since returned to his country.
Alive and well and raising children,
grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
And they all returned there –
with courage , bravery and hope
to that very same mountain.
Sara Dahlia Weisman
Sara Dahlia Weisman, joined the Marche in September 2022, alongside her grandfather, Avraham Schonbrunn, and her three young children, of whom the youngest, Elia, was four years old, the same age as her grandfather when he crossed the mountains with his family in 1943.